Category Archives: Uncategorized

Stupidest Software Packaging Ever

I thought I was buying this brand-new for $0.01 back around Black Friday, until I realized (after I had submitted the order and they had billed my card, aka “too late”) that one $20 rebate was actually an upgrade rebate. Oops. So Fry’s got $20 for it instead of $0.01. Oh well.

None of that back-story can excuse this:

Yes. That’s a hinged computer software box. There is little more to say. I’m sad. : (


Originally uploaded by CCmcGeek.

I didn’t realize that there were two types of small SD cards – miniSD and microSD – until my microSD card came in the mail today. I meant to buy a miniSD card for my cellphone… oops. This thing is, let’s just say, a bit too small. Like “holy crap, how on earth did they fit 1GB in that impossibly small wafer of plastic”-small.