Spending class time wisely…
Originally uploaded by CCmcGeek.
All but two. Anyone know a Swahili honorific B-INAS?
Spending class time wisely…
Originally uploaded by CCmcGeek.
All but two. Anyone know a Swahili honorific B-INAS?
Birthday morning
Originally uploaded by CCmcGeek.
Aww, Nate made me breakfast!
Dear Nathan
Originally uploaded by CCmcGeek.
THIS is how we DON’T store the lasagna.
Much love, Colin
Birthday Supper: Episode 2
Originally uploaded by CCmcGeek.
Featuring grilled salmon, asparagus, wild rice, strawberries and fresh bread. Scrumptious. This is that salmon recipe of my dad’s that I’ve told some of you about- if you like salmon at all, you HAVE to try this!
Birthday dinner at Prime Quarter
Originally uploaded by CCmcGeek.
I’m sorry to all my vegetarian or no-meat-in-Lent eating friends, but this was a great steak! Add in unlimited Texas Toast and salad bar and you’ve got all the fixings for a quality American meal. What a great restaurant!
I told a couple people I’d put my bracket up here, so here it is.
The picks were determined by the highly scientific process of “I’ve heard good things about this team,” “I like the name of this team,” and “Ohio State is going down.” (Sorry Paul, nothing personal… but your university’s basketball team did just beat us, soundly…)
Without further ado, here it is: Colin’s Bracket [PDF], it’s half a meg. Blame Facebook. Oh, and sorry about the Geico ads. Again, blame Facebook. In fact, I don’t really recommend downloading this at all: Just go look at my bracket on facebook.
Or read this summary:
Kansas over UCLA, UNC over Georgetown (my two “I have no clue” picks)
Texas A&M over Ohio State (my “Down with Ohio State” pick)
Florida over Wisconsin (my “I love this school, but I hear more good things about Florida, plus Wisconsin wasn’t playing so hot in their last several games” pick)
Florida over Kansas (my “Continuation of I’ve heard good stuff about Florida, and they have some Noah guy” pick)
Texas A&M over UNC (my “Why not?” pick)
Texas A&M over Florida (my “That’s who was left in my bracket, and Florida probably can’t win twice” pick)
(MADISON) — Results from a recent scientific study demonstrate a correlation between sleeping on the floor and assorted transient aches and pains, reports one scientist from Madison, WI. After an extensive one-night study and detailed introspection the following morning, it was determined that sleeping on the floor overnight was directly correlated with the experience of miscellaneous aches and pains, e.g., a “throbbing sensation” in the region of the right patella.
McCambridge, the lead scientist in the study, suggests that perhaps the awkward positioning of limbs while sleeping on a rigid surface is partly to blame for the observed effects. “It felt like I had slept with my leg twisted around weird,” the primary subject of the experiment reports.
The study was originally intended to determine if sleeping on the floor was an effective means of avoiding the excess heat trapped in a room with an unopenable window and an Intel Prescott processor. Results for this original phase of the study are inconclusive, however, as the subject fell asleep too quickly to make the requisite objective observations. McCambridge suggests that in the future, the study be repeated at a more reasonable hour, as the subject reported feeling “drowsy” at 0200 when the experiment began.
Further research into methods of avoiding undesired thermal characteristics of the Prescott series of processors are planned for the future.
That’s new
Originally uploaded by CCmcGeek.
School bus at the bus stop.
I’m a web crawling spider; you an Internet mosquito;
You thought the 7-layer model referred to a burrito.
fs sa rlidwka
I’ll chown
your home and take your access away
You’re outside your scope, son, close them curly brackets
‘Cause I drop punk-a** b****es like a modem drops packets
Awesome. Even the non-computer geeks can appreciate the rhymes, though you’ll need a bit of UNIX background to appreciate the awesomeness: “Kill Dash Nine” – Monzy
Sorry for the censoring… don’t want my blog getting blocked by content filters. I’m sure you understand. -Ed
Update: To answer Craig’s question: props to Scott for pointing me to that! [/Update]
Or Better Yet:
I like gigabit.
And by the time I got this screenshot up here, it’s done. So nice.