Every time I come home after being in Madison for a couple months, it amazes me anew just how quiet it is here. Being in “the country” (aka a more sparsely-populated suburb) is a pleasant change from the continual background noise of Madtown…. though a bit unnerving for a little while as well. It’s good to be home, though.
Catching up on issues of Popular Science, I came across this awesome quote from a letter to the editor:
“If it weren’t for our presumptuous desire to learn, humanity would have the same aspirations as a herd of cows.”
Awesome quote… on the other hand, cows never had to take finals. I’m glad those are over with. Except for ece 352, where even the final was awesome. We got a cake! (It was Prof. Schulte’s birthday. (That’s Prof. Lipasti in the picture))
Speaking of birthdays, Happy Birthday to Dave Dreyer, who is 87 days older than I today, and to Jacob Michael LaSota, who is 86 days older than I tomorrow. lol… think about that.